User:KevB-ing/GBW Archive/User talk:AnyaP

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KevB-ing (talk)-- Hi @AnyaP, welcome to the wiki. I saw on your user page that you're looking into installing extensions; as mentioned on Phil's talk page, I think the StructuredDiscussions UI extension (aka Flow) might usefully improve our wiki's user experience through making it easier for folks to communicate here on-wiki in a manner both consistent and accessible to relatively tech-naive users. What do you think? --12:08, 31 January 2020 (PST)

KevB-ing (talk)-- I've collected a list of links (User:KevB-ing/Links) in my personal user-space; if it looks of use, feel free to link/copy/add to it. What do you think might work well as a prefix to administrative pages? (our local equivalent to "Wikipedia:xyz") It looks to me like we have at present a "GameB:xyz" namespace. However, I'm leaning towards perhaps choosing a different prefix for admin pages and interface how-to pages and such so as to reserve "GameB:xyz" for some (possibly future) ~B community use. Thoughts?
What are your thoughts about Wikipedia? I'm feeling like it's something we can look to at times for specific examples of possibilities but that we shouldn't feel compelled to replicate its norms and structures in any comprehensive manner. I feel we have an opportunity here to form our own ~bespoke wiki culture inspired by Game ~B aesthetics.
Are you in the main Game ~B Facebook group and/or on the main Game ~B Discord server? How'd you come to take interest in Game ~B stuff? --12:47, 31 January 2020 (PST)
p.s.—Have you tried toggling on the Timeless theme? It's already available as one of the options here in user preferences. I think it goes nice with the Game ~B logo and might help differentiate us from other wikis using the default Vector theme. : } --12:56, 31 January 2020 (PST)

AnyaP-- Hey Kevin, I got the main pages (there's like 10-12 of them) exported in a xml file, so that's good. Can start messing with extensions. First one up: visual editor, except when I downloaded git, and node.js and npm, and finally keroku, and then logged in... it just stopped giving me the command line. So I'm stuck as of now. May be a PATH issue, will investigate tomorrow(?) I agree with your thoughts on prefixes (admin & how-to having separate ones, and reserving GameB for future use). GameB seems as good a framework as any recent ones I've come across & it's adjacent to the communities I hang out with in Toronto. I'm not familiar with toggling themes oops; indulge me whilst I try to catch up on the million other tiny things I gotta figure out about the wiki environment. --19:16, 4 February 2020 (PST)

KevB-ing (talk)-- "it's adjacent to the communities I hang out with in Toronto"
On Discord I've noticed cross-pollination going on between Game ~B and "Integral" and "MetaModern" communities. And elsewhere some mention of "Circling" communities. What scenes are you into?
I'd love to help troubleshoot and brainstorm the technical stuff but I've not been offered access. More accurately, at one point Phil suggested extending some sort of root access to me but has not in fact done so and has not offered any explanation as to why. Last time I tried prompting him via text DM I received no response. Today I reached out via a vid message in a Twitter DM; perhaps he'll fill me in in response to that (Phil filling me in, lol, alliterative wordplay)).
Anya, what's your technical background in regard to computer stuff? I'm largely self taught through a home Linux hobby. I founded a tech oriented Facebook group some years ago called Digital Alchemy which you might enjoy being part of ( feel free to drop in and poke around a bit. If you get stuck on some server question asking there might yield some tips (long shot if MediaWiki specific, but high chance if generally Ubuntu server/web stack applicable).
"when I downloaded git, and node.js and npm, and finally keroku, and then logged in... it just stopped giving me the command line"
What precisely is meant in the above by "downloaded"? Are you using Ubuntu's built in apt package manager or are you trying some sort of manual workaround? The word "downloaded" used in that way concerns me; in my experience in forums and when helping friends-&-family it often indicates that someone is trying to install generic versions of packages from the internet instead of the optimized ones available through a distro's official repositories. --KevB-ing (talk)
AnyaP-- Mainly EA (effective altruism), but yup, circling & metamodernity are nearby. I hope he gives you access too, because I'd love for someone else set this all up, but he's hesitant on these things for whatever reason. I am a Windows User TM so yea, *nix is insanely far from my domain of expertise... My dad does cybersecurity, and my grandpa has Linux set up, but I guess the osmosis was too weak because frankly I like to play in python with dictionaries and batch file renaming, and that's about it. Anyways, I downloaded the recommended version off the git site, and it was working fine until the login step. When I tried closing it, it said "are you sure", as processes were still running, but they were clearly looping because I left that window open an hour and still no result. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ --13:24, 5 February 2020 (PST)
AnyaP-- Saw your Feb 4 twitter thread about this wiki, and I think there's a fair amount of miscommunication going on at the moment. I don't actually have twitter, so.. replying here. Phil is aware of the spambot issue and, ironically, has asked me (who knows nothing about wikis & is kinda overwhelmed with these tasks & other life stuff, thereby procrastinating I'll admit) to deal with it, instead of just letting you (who seems to have a pretty wideframe vision for what functionality the wiki should have & how to do it/ debug it) -- likely because he knows me face-to-face. The only thing I can think of to clear up the situation: the two of you meet up over Skype/ actually get coffee and chat in person; I'm not saying this will necessarily speed up the wiki clean up/ structuring, but it could be helpful in talking through why the things you expect to have been addressed by now, have not yet been. --09:13, 6 February 2020 (PST)

AnyaP-- Seems all that was needed was me to literally not login on git bash, then heroku is perfectly responsive. Who knew! --11:54, 12 February 2020 (PST)

KevB-ing (talk)-- Thumbs up! Isn't tech troubleshooting a hoot? I've had so many times stuff boiled down simple like that after racking my brains and googling stuff. --KevB-ing (talk)