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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque commodo efficitur facilisis. Donec ut blandit massa, scelerisque aliquet leo. Nullam nec erat ipsum. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nam faucibus nulla ac libero lobortis volutpat. Vestibulum mauris mi, auctor sit amet ultrices vel, laoreet id quam. Vivamus ut augue est. Ut eu quam dui. Curabitur scelerisque lectus eu dolor luctus, a malesuada libero suscipit. Quisque lobortis ornare neque in ultricies. Praesent et eros id odio ullamcorper sodales. Proin quis ornare metus. Nam hendrerit tortor ac dapibus eleifend.
The knowledge of fundamental physics and the mathematics necessary to perform and understand it are known to few, maybe some tens of thousands of people at most, and commitment to reach those levels entails almost a decade of graduate and post-graduate study. Yet what if it was all much easier and much harder to understand? What if the knowledge necessary was finite and more rapidly attainable to a broader population than the select? A way to identify and outline the most basic structures, a list of all the tools, and a user's guide to describe how to use the tools.  

Pellentesque scelerisque justo nec aliquam commodo. Suspendisse luctus varius aliquam. Proin lacus nisi, fringilla sit amet pulvinar ut, mollis vitae massa. Duis eleifend semper mi sit amet tempus. Aliquam eget nisl sodales, congue ligula ut, lacinia justo. Quisque cursus velit eu commodo condimentum. Mauris nec sagittis tortor. Donec at fringilla elit. Proin vulputate quis orci sed aliquam. Ut dignissim elit luctus ligula faucibus lacinia. Donec eget augue diam. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Donec congue odio ut condimentum fermentum.
The Graph, Wall, Tome project demonstrates that these resources exist and cover much of the ground, but are still flawed and need refinement. Ed Witten, perhaps the most intelligent living physicist, wrote a paragraph in (year) that linguistically encodes and abstracts the most basic structures. Jim Simmons, billionaire physicist, commissioned the iconic Wall at State University of New York Stony Brook which has inscribed upon it the equations of what Witten says. Sir Roger Penrose, Nobel laureate and descendant of Albert Einstein’s school of geometric physics, wrote a book titled The Road to Reality, which describes and summarizes how to use the mathematics and physics on the Wall and in the Graph.


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