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<p>[02:25:09] So, that gets rid of the biggest problem because the internal symmetry group is what causes the failure, I think, of supersymmetric particles to be seen in nature, which is we have to have two different origin stories, which is a little bit like Lilith and Genesis. We can't easily say we have a unified theory.
<p>[02:25:09] So, that gets rid of the biggest problem because the internal symmetry group is what causes the failure, I think, of supersymmetric particles to be seen in nature, which is we have to have two different origin stories, which is a little bit like Lilith and Genesis. We can't easily say we have a unified theory.

<p>[02:25:32] If spacetime and the SU(3) cross SU(2) cross U(1) group that lives on space-time have different origins and cannot be related. In this situation, we tie our hands and we have no choice over the group content. So, just to fix bundle notation, we let $$H$$ be the structure group of a bundle piece of $$H$$ over a base space, $$B$$.
<p>[02:25:32] If spacetime and the SU(3)xSU(2)xU(1) group that lives on space-time have different origins and cannot be related. In this situation, we tie our hands and we have no choice over the group content. So, just to fix bundle notation, we let $$H$$ be the structure group of a bundle piece of $$H$$ over a base space, $$B$$.

<p>[02:25:56] We use $$\pi$$ for the projection map. We've reserved the variation in the pi orthography. For the field content and we try to use right principal actions. I'm terrible with left and right, but we do our best. We use $$H$$ here, not, $$G$$ because we want to reserve $$G$$ for the inhomogeneous extension of $$H$$, once we moved to function spaces.
<p>[02:25:56] We use $$\pi$$ for the projection map. We've reserved the variation in the pi orthography. For the field content and we try to use right principal actions. I'm terrible with left and right, but we do our best. We use $$H$$ here, not, $$G$$ because we want to reserve $$G$$ for the inhomogeneous extension of $$H$$, once we moved to function spaces.
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<p>[02:38:53] Now recalling that. Um, when I started my career, we did not know that neutrinos were massive. And I figured that they probably had to be massive because I desperately wanted a 16 dimensional space of internal quantum numbers, not 15, because my, my ideas only work if the space of internal quantum numbers as a dimension to to the n.
<p>[02:38:53] Now recalling that. Um, when I started my career, we did not know that neutrinos were massive. And I figured that they probably had to be massive because I desperately wanted a 16 dimensional space of internal quantum numbers, not 15, because my, my ideas only work if the space of internal quantum numbers as a dimension to to the n.

<p>[02:39:14] And, uh, one of my favorite equations at the time was 15 equals two to the four. Uh, not literally true, but almost true. And thankfully in the late 1990s, uh, the case for, uh, 16 particles in a generation was strengthened when neutrinos were found to have mass. But that remaining term in the South East corner, the, uh, spinors on X tensor spinors on Y looks like the term above it in line 2.15
<p>[02:39:14] And, uh, one of my favorite equations at the time was 15 equals two to the four. Uh, not literally true, but almost true. And thankfully in the late 1990s, the case for 16 particles in a generation was strengthened when neutrinos were found to have mass. But that remaining term in the southeast corner, the spinors on $$X$$ tensor spinors on $$Y$$ looks like the term above it in line 2.15.

<p>[02:39:46] And that in fact is the third generation of matter, in my opinion. That is, it is not a true generation. It is broken off and would unify very differently if we were able to heat the universe to the proper temperature. So starting to sum up, this is not the full theory. I'm just presenting this in part to dip my toe back into the water.
<p>[02:39:46] And that, in fact, is the third generation of matter, in my opinion. That is, it is not a true generation. It is broken off and would unify very differently if we were able to heat the universe to the proper temperature. So, starting to sum up, this is not the full theory. I'm just presenting this in part to dip my toe back into the water.

<p>[02:40:12] It's a daunting task to try. Address, uh, people about something you've been thinking about for a long time and have no idea whether it's even remotely correct. This is the Einsteinian replacement and it must be pulled back to X. That's the first thing. The yang mills, Maxwell piece comes from a direct square of the Einstein replaceme
<p>[02:40:12] It's a daunting task to try to address people about something you've been thinking about for a long time and have no idea whether it's even remotely correct. This is the Einsteinian replacement and it must be pulled back to $$X$$. That's the first thing. The Yang-Mills/Maxwell piece comes from a Dirac Square of the Einstein replacement.

<p>[02:40:29] That is, I don't believe that we're really looking for a unifying equation. I think we're looking for a unifying Dirac square. Dirac famously took the square root of the Klein-Gordon equation, and he gave the Dirac equation. And in fact, I believe that the Dirac equation and the Einstein equation are to be augmented and fit into the square root part of a Dirac square.
<p>[02:40:29] That is, I don't believe that we're really looking for a unifying equation. I think we're looking for a unifying Dirac square. Dirac famously took the square root of the Klein-Gordon equation, and he gave the Dirac equation. And in fact, I believe that the Dirac equation and the Einstein equation are to be augmented and fit into the square root part of a Dirac square.
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<p>[02:41:39] The quartic Higgs piece comes from the Dirac Squaring of a quadratic. Remember, there's an eddy tensor, which is quadratic in the augmented torsion. The metric does multiple duties. Here it's the main field in this version of GU with the sort of strongest assumptions as field content on that is originally on $$X$$ where as most of the rest of the field content is on $$Y$$.
<p>[02:41:39] The quartic Higgs piece comes from the Dirac Squaring of a quadratic. Remember, there's an eddy tensor, which is quadratic in the augmented torsion. The metric does multiple duties. Here it's the main field in this version of GU with the sort of strongest assumptions as field content on that is originally on $$X$$ where as most of the rest of the field content is on $$Y$$.

<p>[02:42:06] But it also acts as the observer pulling back the full content of $$Y$$ onto X to be interpreted as if it came from $$X$$ all along, generating the sort of illusion of internal quantum numbers. And I should say that the [[Pati-Salam]] theory, which is usually advertised as I think as SU(4) cross SU(2) cross SU(2) is really much more naturally Spin(6)xSpin(4), when the trace portion of the space of metrics is put in with the proper sign.
<p>[02:42:06] But it also acts as the observer pulling back the full content of $$Y$$ onto X to be interpreted as if it came from $$X$$ all along, generating the sort of illusion of internal quantum numbers. And I should say that the [[Pati-Salam]] theory, which is usually advertised as I think as SU(4)xSU(2)xSU(2) is really much more naturally Spin(6)xSpin(4), when the trace portion of the space of metrics is put in with the proper sign.

<p>[02:42:40] If you're trying to generate the sector that begins as X(1,3). Remember $$X^d$$, where d equals four is the generic situation. But you have all these different sectors. I believe that these sectors probably exist if this model's correct, but we are trapped in the (1,3) sector.
<p>[02:42:40] If you're trying to generate the sector that begins as X(1,3). Remember $$X^d$$, where d equals four is the generic situation. But you have all these different sectors. I believe that these sectors probably exist if this model's correct, but we are trapped in the (1,3) sector.
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