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The '''Environment of Evolutionary Novelty (EEN)''' was coined by [[Eric Weinstein]] in his [[Palo Alto Prize - Eric Weinstein (YouTube Content)|2014 presentation for the Palo Alto Longevity Prize]].  This is an update for the current landscape on the scientific concept of the [https://link.springer.com/referenceworkentry/10.1007%2F978-3-319-28099-8_1627-1 Environment of Evolutionary Adaptedness (EEA)]
The '''Environment of Evolutionary Novelty (EEN)''' was coined by [[Eric Weinstein]] in his [[Palo Alto Prize - Eric Weinstein (YouTube Content)|2014 presentation for the Palo Alto Longevity Prize]].  This is an update for the current landscape on the scientific concept of the [https://link.springer.com/referenceworkentry/10.1007%2F978-3-319-28099-8_1627-1 Environment of Evolutionary Adaptedness (EEA)]


== Life and Death in the EEA and EEN ==
* 120 years of healthy life appears to be about the upper limit inherited from the EEA
* We do not live in the EEA, but in the Environment of Evolutionary Novelty (EEN)
* The EEN has been open-source beginning with the reverse engineering of the double helix in 1953 and the genetic code a decade later.
* Selection has had little to no time to search the EEN with advances in imaging, surgery, regenerative medicine, transplants, genetics, etc.
=== Central Question ===
* Why are we failing to adapt by accepting the 120 year limit set by the EEA if selection will eventually reset the limit around the EEN?
== See Also ==
* [[Environment of Evolutionary Adaptation]]
* [[Twin Nuclei Problem]]
* [[Umwelt Hacking]]


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