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Atiyah Singer becomes Atiyah Patodi Singer  
Atiyah Singer becomes Atiyah Patodi Singer  

Bianchi Identity gets added  
Bianchi Identity gets added
First identity
$$ R_{abcd}+R_{acdb}+R_{adbc}=0 $$
Second Identity
$$ R_{abcd;e}+R_{abde;c}+R_{abec;d}=0 $$

Non relativistic shrodinger eq gets removed  
Non relativistic shrodinger eq gets removed  

(d_A)^2 = F_A
$$ (d_A)^2 = F_A $$

Riemann curvature tensor decomposition  
Riemann curvature tensor decomposition  

Cosmological ‘constant’ added to Einstein field equations  
$$ R_{abcd}=S_{abcd}+E_{abcd}+C_{abcd} $$
Cosmological ‘constant’ added to Einstein field equations
$$ R_{\mu \nu }-{\tfrac {1}{2}}Rg_{\mu \nu }+\Lambda g_{\mu \nu }={8\pi G \over c^{4}}T_{\mu \nu} $$
Geometric quantization gives heisenberg uncertainty

Geometric quantization gives heisenberg uncertainty
Kostant-Souriau prequantum operator

Borel Weil Bott added
$$ Q(f):=-i\hbar \left(X_{f}-{\frac {i}{\hbar }}\theta (X_{f})\right)+f $$ Borel Weil Bott added

Levi Civita constructed from metric
Levi Civita constructed from metric
Anonymous user

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