The Portal Group

From The Portal Wiki
Revision as of 17:13, 17 October 2020 by Aardvark (talk | contribs)
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The Portal Group
Topic The Portal Community
The Portal Podcast
Leader Brooke (pyrope#5830)
Start Date 6 February 2020
The Portal Discords List
Google Drive Drive
Office Hours Notes
Discord Stats Dashboard
Website Homepage
Users Interactive Database
Discord Invite
All Projects

The Portal Group exists to facilitate community projects in service to the ideas expressed by Eric Weinstein on The Portal Podcast and elsewhere. We use Discord to organize and communicate, and have developed a user database to keep track of the community's skills and interests.



This is the list of core members who keep the ship running. For a full list of participants in Portal projects, see

  • Brooke (pyrope#5830)
  • Beefsandwich27#0143 - Development and Wiki
  • boqu - Art
  • cam - Development
  • Aardvark - Wiki


Resources the community has developed are available in the places listed.

Discord Bot Commands

We've configured a bot with several helpful commands. Also, several less-than-helpful commands.

  • !commands - Show a link to this wiki page listing all the commands.
  • !rules - List our extensive set of strict and burdensome rules.
  • !show - Provide an animated GIF kindly asking you to share your work.
  • !chitchat - Give a reminder that the projects server isn't for idle chitchat. Provides a link to The Portal Discords.
  • !reiterate - Give a re-reminder that the projects server isn't for idle chitchat. Provides another link to The Portal Discords.
  • !startup - Oh. You don't want to make a project. You want to make a startup company. Let's dig into ramifications.
  • !gu - It's fun to consider how demanding the Theory of Geometric Unity truly is.
  • !graph
  • !wall
  • !tome

Other Commands

We've configured a bot with several helpful commands. Also, several less-than-helpful commands.

  • !coffee
  • !calm
  • !zen
  • !numberwang
  • !laugh
  • !yada
  • !bla