The Portal Group

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The community works on projects for Eric in The Portal Projects Group Discord server.

Discord Invite

User Skills and Interests


We've configured a bot with several helpful commands. Also, several less-than-helpful commands.

  • !commands - Show a link to this wiki page listing all the commands.
  • !show - Provide an animated GIF kindly asking you to share your work.
  • !chitchat - Give a reminder that the projects server isn't for idle chitchat. Provides a link to The Portal Discords.
  • !reiterate - Give a re-reminder that the projects server isn't for idle chitchat. Provides another link to The Portal Discords.
  • !startup - Oh. You don't want to make a project. You want to make a startup company. Let's dig into ramifications.
  • !gu - It's fun to consider how demanding the Theory of Geometric Unity truly is.

Important Commands?

  • !calm
  • !laugh
  • !yada
  • !bla