The Four Quadrant Model

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The Four Quadrant Model

What Is It?

In broad terms, the model is a tool for illustrating how the media stigmatizes certain nuanced views that challenge the status quo by portraying people who hold those views as prejudiced or intolerant.


1.The "Dupes": People who believe they can infer someone’s true intentions, beliefs or morality based on their support for, or opposition to, the policy initiative.

2. “First principle thinkers” or “contrarians”: They hold nuanced positions that oppose the policy on the x-axis, but support the moral virtue on the y-axis. In the words of Eric Weinstein, “These are people who are thinking for themselves, and are not buying baked-cakes. They’re buying the ingredients and they’re saying, well, I want more of this ingredient, I don’t like that ingredient. So they’re attempting to avoid having any pre-baked idea put in front of them.”

3. “Troglodytes”: Those who oppose the x-axis policy and possess the moral vice represented by the lower-half of the y-axis (e.g. sexists, racists, etc).

4. “Rent seekers”: "Woke" people or companies who have a vested-interest in the x-axis policy because they profit from it, but do not produce much or anything of value in return.

Visual Explanation

The Four Quadrant Model