Embedded Growth Obligations

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We have effectively entered a period in which we cannot trust our experts. I think that what began as a desire to contribute and to do real work, ended with an understanding that we’ve got two generations of institutional experts that are corrupted, and that we cannot wake up from this crazy fever dream that we’re all in, because we can’t figure out who we can still trust.

The doctors are compromised. The professors are compromised. The Journalists are compromised. The politicians are compromised.

About the only thing that isn’t badly compromised are people with an independent source of sustenance — individuals and very small groups are about the only thing that is free of this disease of the Embedded Growth Obligation (EGO).

-Eric Weinstein


Eventually, this page should be a fuller explanation of EGO, but for the time being here are a few links to things I was able to find doing a Google Search.