
From The Portal Wiki
Revision as of 14:59, 4 June 2021 by Aardvark (talk | contribs)
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Aardvark [1] has interests in physics and culture.

Category Tree Map

Top level categories are in their own box. Everything else has a parent. Criteria for a parent category: has (or can easily be made to have) three children.

  • Portal Ideas
    • Portal Ideas by subject
      • Distributed Idea Suppression Complex
      • Gated Institutional Narrative
      • Portal Ideas on History
        • Embedded Growth Obligations
        • Twin Nuclei Problem
    • Portal Ideas by something
  • Knowledge
    • Knowledge by subject
      • Biology
      • Culture
      • Economics
      • History
      • Mathematics
      • Psychology
      • Technology
    • Knowledge by something
  • Content
    • The Portal Podcast
  • Reference
  • Tools
  • Community
  • Projects
    • Projects by subject
    • Graph, Wall, Tome
    • Slipping the DISC
    • Gauge Theory Revolution
    • Meta Projects
    • Projects by status
      • Projects in progress
      • Completed projects
  • Wiki Meta



  1. "Search". Retrieved 8 May 2017.