Critics and the Intellectual Dark Web, Eric Weinstein Sensemaking Series (YouTube Content)

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Critics and the Intellectual Dark Web, Eric Weinstein (Sensemaking Series)
Inside IDW Cover.jpg
Host(s) David Fuller
Guest(s) Eric Weinstein
Length 00:55:40
Release Date 26 June 2020
YouTube Watch
Portal Blog Read
All Appearances
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Inside the Intellectual Dark Web, Eric Weinstein was an interview with Eric Weinstein by David Fuller on Rebel Wisdom.


Over two years ago the New York Times reported on "a group of heretics, making an end run around the national conversation", the Intellectual Dark Web.

Since then the concept has been celebrated and criticised in equal measure. Rebel Wisdom talks to the man who came up with the name, mathematician Eric Weinstein, about the web and its critics. What has been learned since 2018?

This interview was conducted in April 2020.


This content does not yet have an edited transcript. The Portal Group's Transcript Completion Project generates transcripts for content related to Eric Weinstein and The Portal Podcast. If you would like to contribute, contact Aardvark or Brooke on The Portal Group Discord Server for access to this content's machine-generated transcript.