Difference between revisions of "20: Sir Roger Penrose - Plotting the Twist of Einstein’s Legacy"

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Denis just wanted to get me interested
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[[File:sheetsunx.gif||Curved Space-Time]]
[[File:sheetsunx.gif||Curved Space-Time]]
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I never he wanted me to change my
<div data-type="resource" data-timestamp="0:11:17">
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:11:14">
subject I learned an awful lot from
<div data-type="resource" data-timestamp="0:11:31">
[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_Hawking Stephen Hawking]
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:11:17">
Dennis about physics because Dennis sort
<div data-type="resource" data-timestamp="0:11:40">
[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Dirac Paul Dirac]
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:11:20">
of knew everything and everybody and he
<div data-type="resource" data-timestamp="0:11:46">
Book: [https://www.amazon.com/Strangest-Man-Hidden-Dirac-Mystic/dp/0465022103 The Strangest Man: The Hidden Life of Paul Dirac, Mystic of the Atom] by [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graham_Farmelo Graham Farmelo]
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had a real knack of getting if he
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<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:11:27">
thought two people should meet each
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:11:28">
other he got made sure they did meet
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:11:31">
each other in one case it was Stephen
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:11:34">
Hawking but Dennis was actually yeah
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:11:40">
when you mentioned Dirac Dennis was
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:11:41">
actually the last graduate with at the
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:11:44">
time he was the only graduate student of
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:11:46">
directs is that right yes then this was
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:11:49">
Dirac was famously sort of difficult I
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:11:53">
think that you know in recent years this
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:11:56">
book came out of grammar mail of the
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:11:57">
strangest man that puts directs
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:11:59">
bizarreness he was difficult to get to
bizarreness he was difficult to get to
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:12:04">
know but there's a bit of an irony here
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<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:12:06">
I mean certainly he was hard for
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:12:10">
physicists and so on to get to know him
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:12:13">
now there were two people and actually
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maybe I could just say one thing to our
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:12:17">
listeners yes
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:12:18">
in my estimation if not yours Dirac
in my estimation if not yours Dirac
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:12:22">
<div data-type="resource" data-timestamp="0:12:22">
would be neck-and-neck with Einstein for
would be neck-and-neck with Einstein for
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:12:24">
the greatest of 20th century physicists
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<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:12:27">
I think I wouldn't be far off that that
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:12:30">
description for some reason his press
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:12:32">
wasn't nearly as good maybe because of
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:12:34">
his hair I don't know well he didn't
his hair I don't know well he didn't
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:12:37">
talk much this is one of the problems no
<div data-type="resource" data-timestamp="0:12:42">
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:12:39">
I agree I think he was I mean you think
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:12:42">
about all we quantum mechanics people
about all we quantum mechanics people
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:12:45">
who developed that amazing subject and
<div data-type="resource" data-timestamp="0:13:08">
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:12:47">
Dirac was really the one who put put it
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:12:50">
all in order and so on well is is is and
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:12:53">
this gets to a very odd issue which is
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:12:55">
that you have wielded taste and beauty
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:12:58">
as a weapon your entire life your
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:13:00">
drawings are among the most compelling I
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:13:04">
remember the first time what are one of
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:13:06">
the things I've done using our friend
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:13:08">
Joe Rogan's program is to push out
Joe Rogan's program is to push out
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:13:11">
<div data-type="resource" data-timestamp="0:13:11">
discussion of the hopf fibration because
discussion of the hopf fibration because
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:13:13">
<div data-type="resource" data-timestamp="0:13:13">
it's an it's the only non-trivial
it's an it's the only non-trivial
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:13:15">
<div data-type="resource" data-timestamp="0:13:15">
principal bundle that can be visual
principal bundle that can be visual
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:13:17">
scene and since the world seems to be
<div data-type="resource" data-timestamp="0:13:32">
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:13:21">
about principle bundles it's a bit odd
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:13:23">
that the general population doesn't know
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:13:27">
that stuff of which we are yes well they
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:13:29">
the hopf fibration or the Clifford
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:13:32">
parallels was instrumental in the
parallels was instrumental in the
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:13:36">
subject of Trista theory well but the
<div data-type="resource" data-timestamp="0:13:58">
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:13:38">
first time I ever saw a diagram it was
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:13:40">
somebody reproducing a diagram they had
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:13:42">
seen of yours and so the way in which
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:13:44">
you have used art and sketches yeah it
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:13:49">
was drawn by hand largely I mean they
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:13:51">
were adding some circles involved which
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:13:53">
I use a compass for but basically I
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:13:55">
draped my hand there were two versions
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:13:58">
of it the first one was more I sort of
of it the first one was more I sort of
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:14:02">
thread you die first one was had more
<div data-type="resource" data-timestamp="0:14:06">
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:14:06">
circles in it and I thought I draw
circles in it and I thought I draw
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:14:07">
there's more simply in the second
<div data-type="resource" data-timestamp="0:14:10">
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:14:10">
version but actually I had three
version but actually I had three
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:14:11">
versions the third version is in the
<div data-type="resource" data-timestamp="0:14:14">
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:14:14">
road to reality but I'm not sure it's
road to reality but I'm not sure it's
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:14:20">
best I think the second version perhaps
<div data-type="resource" data-timestamp="0:14:39">
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:14:21">
is the best so so Dirac getting back to
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:14:25">
it had this elegance of mind yeah it was
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:14:28">
unrelenting yes and he famously brought
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:14:33">
in these bizarre objects with which some
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:14:37">
of us are obsessed others of us don't
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:14:39">
understand the obsession called spinners
understand the obsession called spinners
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:14:41">
which is sort of her a prerequisite to
<div data-type="resource" data-timestamp="0:14:43">
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:14:43">
getting to twister theory which you've
getting to twister theory which you've
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:14:45">
popularized well I I went to the UC
<div data-type="resource" data-timestamp="0:14:54">
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:14:51">
Dirac gave a course of lectures in
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:14:54">
quantum mechanics and the first course
quantum mechanics and the first course
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:14:57">
was sort of basic quantum mechanics and
<div data-type="resource" data-timestamp="0:14:59">
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:14:59">
the second course was on quantum field
the second course was on quantum field
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:15:02">
<div data-type="resource" data-timestamp="0:15:02">
theory but also spinners and there's an
theory but also spinners and there's an
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:15:06">
interesting story about that which I
<div data-type="resource" data-timestamp="0:15:43">
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:15:08">
don't know the answer to in the second
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:15:11">
course he deviated from his normal
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:15:15">
course of lectures now I understood when
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:15:19">
I talked to Graham family who wrote this
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:15:22">
biography of Dirac I understood from
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:15:26">
grand family that when I described that
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:15:30">
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:15:31">
deviated from his normal course to give
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:15:34">
two or three lectures on two component
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:15:37">
spinners which for me were absolutely
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:15:40">
what I needed you see I'd learned from
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:15:43">
my work on algebraic geometry we changed
my work on algebraic geometry we changed
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:15:46">
that by trying to understand tensor
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systems as abstract systems and things
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:15:52">
which you can't represent in terms of
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:15:53">
compare should just say that in terms of
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:15:55">
these two components spin as you're
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:15:56">
talking about for the lay audience all
<div data-type="note" data-timestamp="0:16:00">
of the matter that they think about
