The Portal Group Onboarding

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How do I participate?

This all depends on what you want to do, what you are good at, and what you want to learn about.

  • Discussions
  • Programming
  • Video
  • Art
  • Mathematics
  • Physics
  • Biology

Join the Discord servers and jump into one of the chats, catch up on some of the conversations and ask questions. See if your skillset and time are gonna help contribute to the project. If you still want to join then simply provide proof of past work in the lobby-and-introductions (Discord ID : 701792384773521428) and wait for one of the rollers to accept your request.

What are the ways to contribute to projects and gain access to the other channels?

The quickest way to be let into the server is to show us some work that you've done. Something you've made. Once we have evidence that you can get stuff done, we're pretty inviting.