Content by Eric Weinstein

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Articles and Papers




The Portal

Misc. from Eric’s Youtube channel


Joe Rogan Experience

Outlet Title Air Date
Joe Rogan Experience Joe Rogan Experience #1022 - Eric Weinstein 2017-10-10
Joe Rogan Experience Joe Rogan Experience #1203 - Eric Weinstein 2018-11-16
Joe Rogan Experience Joe Rogan Experience #1320 - Eric Weinstein 2019-07-03

Rubin Report

Outlet Title Air Date
Rubin Report On Fake News, Trump, and the Mathematical Mind | Eric Weinstein 2017-01-06
Rubin Report Trump, Mathematics, and the ‘Thinkuisition’ | Eric Weinstein 2017-07-14
Rubin Report Brothers Together at Last (LIVE) | Eric Weinstein & Bret Weinstein 2018-02-05
Rubin Report Jordan Peterson, Eric Weinstein, & Dave Rubin LIVE! 2018-06-29
Rubin Report Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro, Eric Weinstein, and Dave Rubin LIVE! 2018-06-29
Rubin Report What Is The Future of The Intellectual Dark Web? | Eric Weinstein 2018-09-25

Big Think

Outlet Title Air Date
Big Think Genius Is Not about Excelling at Something—It’s about Doing Things Differently 2017-05-04
Big Think Embrace Contradictory Ideas to Reach New Intellectual Heights 2017-05-11
Big Think AI Can Now Self-Reproduce—Should Humans Be Worried? 2017-05-22
Big Think Capitalism 2.0 Will Include a Healthy Dose of Socialism 2017-06-04
Big Think Why Can’t We Find the Theory of Everything? Einstein, Rogue Genius, String Theory 2017-11-04

Institute for New Economic Thinking

Outlet Title Air Date
Institute for New Economic Thinking What Math and Physics Can Do for New Economic Thinking 2013-10-30
Institute for New Economic Thinking The Economics of Radical Uncertainty 2014-04-25
Institute for New Economic Thinking Economic Thinking In A Fallible World 2014-06-22
Institute for New Economic Thinking Is Technology Killing Capitalism? 2016-08-17
Institute for New Economic Thinking Let’s be Honest About Mathematics 2016-08-19

Making Sense with Sam Harris

Outlet Title Air Date
Making Sense with Sam Harris Making Sense with Sam Harris #41 - Faith in Reason (with Eric R. Weinstein) 2019-02-15
Making Sense with Sam Harris Making Sense with Sam Harris #112 - The Intellectual Dark Web (with Eric Weinstein and Ben Shapiro) 2019-02-23


Outlet Title Air Date
Pangburn A Day of Reckoning - 1 - Sam Harris, Eric Weinstein, Bret Weinstein, Maajid Nawaz, Douglas Murray 2018-10-25
Pangburn A Day of Reckoning - 2 - The Path Forward 2018-11-05
Pangburn A Day of Reckoning - 4 - Sam Harris, Eric Weinstein, Bret Weinstein, Maajid Nawaz, Douglas Murray 2018-11-26

Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics

  • Sheldon Glashow Owes me a Dollar (and 17 years of interest): What happens in the marketplace of ideas when the endless frontier meets the efficient frontier? —
  • A Science Less Dismal: Welcome to the Economic Manhattan Project —
  • Panel Discussion: Nouriel Roubini, Nassim Taleb, Richard Freeman, Eric Weinstein (Collection: The Economic Crisis and It’s Implications for The Science of Economics - 2009) —

Rebel Wisdom

Other Guest Appearances

Sources of Content