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| 1 || Coordinate systems || 191
| 5.1 || The derivative of an indefinite integral. The first fundamental theorem of calculus || 202
| 2 || Distance between points || 197
| 5.2 || The zero-derivative theorem || 204
| 3 || Equation of a circle || 203
| 5.3 || Primitive functions and the second fundamental theorem of calculus || 205
| 4 || Rational points on a circle || 206
| 5.4 || Properties of a function deduced from properties of its derivative || 207
! colspan="3" | Chapter 9: Operations on Points
| 5.5 || Exercises || 208
| 1 || Dilations and reflections || 213
| 5.6 || The Leibniz notation for primitives || 210
| 2 || Addition, subtraction, and the parallelogram law || 218
| 5.7 || Integration by substitution || 212
| 5.8 || Exercises || 216
| 5.9 || Integration by parts || 217
| 5.10 || Exercises || 220
| 5.11 || Miscellaneous review exercises || 222
| 6.1 || Introduction || 226
| 6.2 || Motivation for the definition of the natural logarithm as an integral || 227
| 6.3 || The definition of the logarithm. Basic properties || 226
| 6.4 || The graph of the natural logarithm || 226
| 6.5 || Consequences of the functional equation L(ab) = L(a) + L(b) || 226
| 6.6 || Logarithms referred to any positive base \(b \ne 1\) || 226
| 6.7 || Introduction || 226
| 6.8 || Introduction || 226
| 6.9 || Introduction || 226
| 6.10 || Introduction || 226
| 6.11 || Introduction || 226
| 6.12 || Introduction || 226
| 6.13 || Introduction || 226
| 6.14 || Introduction || 226
| 6.15 || Introduction || 226
| 6.16 || Introduction || 226
| 6.17 || Introduction || 226
| 6.18 || Introduction || 226
| 6.19 || Introduction || 226
| 6.20 || Introduction || 226
| 6.21 || Introduction || 226
| 6.22 || Introduction || 226
| 6.23 || Introduction || 226
| 6.24 || Introduction || 226
| 6.25 || Exercises || 267
| 6.26 || Miscellaneous review exercises || 268
! colspan="3" | Chapter 10: Segments, Rays, and Lines
! colspan="3" | Chapter 10: Segments, Rays, and Lines

Revision as of 16:19, 20 September 2021

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Apostol Calculus V1 Cover.jpg
Author Tom Apostol
Language English
Publisher Wiley
Publication Date 16 January 1991
Pages 666
ISBN-10 0471000051
ISBN-13 978-0471000051

The textbook Calculus by Tom Apostol introduces calculus.

Table of Contents

Chapter/Section # Title Page #
Part 1: Historical Introduction
I 1.1 The two basic concepts of calculus 1
I 1.2 Historical background 2
I 1.3 The method of exhaustion for the area of a parabolic segment 3
*I 1.4 Exercises 8
I 1.5 A critical analysis of the Archimedes' method 8
I 1.6 The approach to calculus to be used in this book 10
Part 2: Some Basic Concepts of the Theory of Sets
I 2.1 Introduction to set theory 11
I 2.2 Notations for designating sets 12
I 2.3 Subsets 12
I 2.4 Unions, intersections, complements 13
I 2.5 Exercises 15
Part 3: A set of Axioms for the Real-Number System
I 3.1 Introduction 17
I 3.2 The field axioms 17
*I 3.3 Exercises 19
I 3.4 The order axioms 19
*I 3.5 Exercises 21
I 3.6 Integers and rational numbers 21
I 3.7 Geometric interpretation of real numbers as points on a line 22
I 3.8 Upper bound of a set, maximum element, least upper bound (supremum) 23
I 3.9 The least-Upper-bound axiom (completeness axiom) 25
I 3.10 The Archimedean property of the real-number system 25
I 3.11 Fundamental properties of the supremum and infimum 26
*I 3.12 Exercises 28
*I 3.13 Existence of square roots of nonnegative real numbers 29
*I 3.14 Roots of higher order. Rational powers 30
*I 3.15 Representation of real numbers by decimals 30
Part 4: Mathematical Induction, Summation Notation, and Related Topics
I 4.1 An example of a proof by mathematical induction 32
I 4.2 The principle of mathematical induction 34
*I 4.3 The well-ordering principle 34
I 4.4 Exercises 35
*I 4.5 Proof of the well-ordering principle 37
I 4.6 The summation notation 37
I 4.7 Exercises 39
I 4.8 Absolute values and the triangle inequality 41
I 4.9 Exercises 43
*I 4.10 Miscellaneous exercises involving induction 44
1.1 The basic ideas of Cartesian geometry 48
1.2 Functions. Informal description and examples 50
1.3 Functions. Formal definition as a set of ordered pairs 53
1.4 More examples of real functions 54
1.5 Exercises 56
1.6 The concept of area as a set function 57
1.7 Exercises 60
1.8 Intervals and ordinate sets 60
1.9 Partitions and step functions 61
1.10 Sum and product of step functions 63
1.11 Exercises 63
1.12 The definition of the integral for step functions 64
1.13 Properties of the integral of a step function 66
1.14 Other notations for integrals 69
1.15 Exercises 70
1.16 The integral of more general functions 72
1.17 Upper and lower integrals 74
1.18 The area of an ordinate set expressed as an integral 75
1.19 Informal remarks on the theory and technique of integration 75
1.20 Monotonic and piecewise monotonic functions. Definitions and examples 76
1.21 Integrability of bounded monotonic functions 77
1.22 Calculation of the integral of a bounded monotonic function 79
1.23 Calculation of the integral \(\int_0^b x^p dx\) when \(p\) is a positive integer 79
1.24 The basic properties of the integral 80
1.25 Integration of polynomials 81
1.26 Exercises 83
1.27 Proofs of the basic properties of the integral 84
2.1 Introduction 88
2.2 The area of a region between two graphs expressed as an integral 88
2.3 Worked examples 89
2.4 Exercises 94
2.5 The trigonometric functions 94
2.6 Integration formulas for the sine and cosine 94
2.7 A geometric description of the sine and cosine functions 94
2.8 Exercises 94
2.9 Polar coordinates 94
2.10 The integral for area in polar coordinates 94
2.11 Exercises 94
2.12 Application of integration to the calculation of volume 94
2.13 Exercises 94
2.14 Application of integration to the calculation of work 94
2.15 Exercises 94
2.16 Average value of a function 94
2.17 Exercises 94
2.18 The integral as a function of the upper limit. Indefinite integrals 94
2.19 Exercises 94
3.1 Informal description of continuity 126
3.2 The definition of the limit of a function 127
3.3 The definition of continuity of a function 130
3.4 The basic limit theorems. More examples of continuous functions 131
3.5 Proofs of the basic limit theorems 135
3.6 Exercises 138
3.7 Composite functions and continuity 140
3.8 Exercises 142
3.9 Bolzano's theorem for continuous functions 142
3.10 The intermediate-value theorem for continuous functions 144
3.11 Exercises 145
3.12 The process of inversion 146
3.13 Properties of functions preserved by inversion 147
3.14 Inverses of piecewise monotonic functions 148
3.15 Exercises 149
3.16 The extreme-value theorem for continuous functions 150
3.17 The small-span theorem for continuous functions (uniform continuity) 152
3.18 The integrability theorem for continuous functions 152
3.19 Mean-value theorems for integrals of continuous functions 154
3.20 Exercises 155
4.1 Historical introduction 156
4.2 A problem involving velocity 157
4.3 The derivative of a function 159
4.4 Examples of derivatives 161
4.5 The algebra of derivatives 164
4.6 Exercises 167
4.7 Geometric interpretation of the derivative as a slope 169
4.8 Other notations for derivatives 171
4.9 Exercises 173
4.10 The chain rule for differentiating composite functions 174
4.11 Applications of the chain rule. Related rates and implicit differentiation 176
4.12 Exercises 179
4.13 Applications of the differentiation to extreme values of cuntions 181
4.14 The mean-value theorem for derivatives 183
4.15 Exercises 186
4.16 Applications of the mean-value theorem to geometric properties of functions 187
4.17 Second-derivative test for extrema 188
4.18 Curve sketching 189
4.19 Exercises 191
4.20 Worked examples of extremum problems 191
4.21 Exercises 194
4.22 Partial derivatives 196
4.23 Exercises 201
5.1 The derivative of an indefinite integral. The first fundamental theorem of calculus 202
5.2 The zero-derivative theorem 204
5.3 Primitive functions and the second fundamental theorem of calculus 205
5.4 Properties of a function deduced from properties of its derivative 207
5.5 Exercises 208
5.6 The Leibniz notation for primitives 210
5.7 Integration by substitution 212
5.8 Exercises 216
5.9 Integration by parts 217
5.10 Exercises 220
5.11 Miscellaneous review exercises 222
6.1 Introduction 226
6.2 Motivation for the definition of the natural logarithm as an integral 227
6.3 The definition of the logarithm. Basic properties 226
6.4 The graph of the natural logarithm 226
6.5 Consequences of the functional equation L(ab) = L(a) + L(b) 226
6.6 Logarithms referred to any positive base \(b \ne 1\) 226
6.7 Introduction 226
6.8 Introduction 226
6.9 Introduction 226
6.10 Introduction 226
6.11 Introduction 226
6.12 Introduction 226
6.13 Introduction 226
6.14 Introduction 226
6.15 Introduction 226
6.16 Introduction 226
6.17 Introduction 226
6.18 Introduction 226
6.19 Introduction 226
6.20 Introduction 226
6.21 Introduction 226
6.22 Introduction 226
6.23 Introduction 226
6.24 Introduction 226
6.25 Exercises 267
6.26 Miscellaneous review exercises 268
Chapter 10: Segments, Rays, and Lines
1 Segments 229
2 Rays 231
3 Lines 236
4 Ordinary equation for a line 246
Chapter 11: Trigonometry
1 Radian measure 249
2 Sine and cosine 252
3 The graphs 264
4 The tangent 266
5 Addition formulas 272
6 Rotations 277
Chapter 12: Some Analytic Geometry
1 The straight line again 281
2 The parabola 291
3 The ellipse 297
4 The hyperbola 300
5 Rotation of hyperbolas 305
Chapter 13: Functions
1 Definition of a function 313
2 Polynomial functions 318
3 Graphs of functions 330
4 Exponential function 333
5 Logarithms 338
Chapter 14: Mappings
1 Definition 345
2 Formalism of mappings 351
3 Permutations 359
Chapter 15: Complex Numbers
1 The complex plane 375
2 Polar form 380
Chapter 16: Induction and Summations
1 Induction 383
2 Summations 388
3 Geometric series 396
Chapter 17: Determinants
1 Matrices 401
2 Determinants of order 2 406
3 Properties of 2 x 2 determinants 409
4 Determinants of order 3 414
5 Properties of 3 x 3 determinants 418
6 Cramer's Rule 424
Index 429