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[[Eric Weinstein|Eric]] often uses terms or turns-of-phrase that some people may not immediately understand. This page is a reference source for those only. This should not be confused with more general topic areas that may at first cause confusion such as the [[Distributed Idea Suppression Complex|DISC]], [[Embedded Growth Obligation|EGOs]], [[Load-Bearing Fictions]], etc.
[[Eric Weinstein|Eric]] often coins terms or turns-of-phrase that some people may not immediately understand. This page is a reference source for those. In this list we include more general topic areas that may at first cause confusion such as [[Distributed Idea Suppression Complex|DISC]], [[Embedded Growth Obligations|EGOs]], [[Gated Institutional Narrative|GIN]], [[Load-Bearing Fictions]], etc., as well as many of Eric's lesser known neologisms and radical redefinitions.  

See also: [[Eric Weinstein Quotes]]
'''See also:'''
* [[Portal Concepts]]
* [https://twitter.com/i/events/887835625402941440 A Modern Contradictionary: New Words for our New World] – a Twitter Moment by Eric with a vocabulary adapted to our changing world.
* [[Riffs to Animate]]
* [[Eric Weinstein Quotes]]

== A ==
* [[Adjective, Occupation, Name Formula]]
* [[Algorithmic Fun House]]
* [[Anthropic Capitalism]]
* [[Anti-Expert]]
* [[Anti-Interesting]]
* [[Anechoic Era or Anechoic media |Anechoic Era]]
* [[Argument as the Frame]]
* [[Artificial Outelligence]]
* [[Audience Capture]]
* [[Audio Samizdat]]

== A/B testing ==
== B ==
* [[The Big Nap]]
* [[Borjas Rectangle Theory]]
* [[Break-Glass-in-case-of-Emergency People]]

A/B testing (also known as bucket testing or split-run testing) is a user experience research methodology. A/B tests consist of a randomized experiment with two variants, A and B. It includes application of statistical hypothesis testing or "two-sample hypothesis testing" as used in the field of statistics. A/B testing is a way to compare two versions of a single variable, typically by testing a subject's response to variant A against variant B, and determining which of the two variants is more effective. ([https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/A/B_testing Source])
== C ==
* [[Cancer vs Senescence as Design Tradeoffs]]
* [[Cardinalization]]
* [[Checker]]
* [[Checksum Theory of Politics]]
* [[Chess-Opening Problem]]
* [[Chihuahua Effect]]
* [[Communication Security Complex]]
* [[Contact with the Unforgiving]]
* [[Contrast Blindness]]
* [[Critical Feeling]]
* [[Cult of the Art of the Possible]]

Reference: [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XbKXeVOUQYY] Discussed in the context of adding “differential diagnosis” to our educators’ toolkit so that teaching disabled educators can learn how to add to better instruct students rather than externalizations the blame for their inadequate methods onto into the students.
== D ==
* [[Deaths of Accountability]]
* [[Degraded State]]
* [[De-Potemkin]]
* [[Digital Wet-work]]
* [[Distributed Idea Suppression Complex|Distributed Idea Suppression Complex (DISC)]]
* [[Distribution of Empathy]]
* [[Don't screw yourself out of magic]]
* [[Double Rainbow Theory]]

== Adaptive landscape  ==
== E ==
* Sewall Wright's theory of adaptive landscapes of fitness
* [[The Educational Complex]]
* [[Edugenic Harm]]
* [[Effect ‘64]]
* [[Electronic Tribalism & Electronic Feudalism]]
* [[Embedded Growth Obligations|Embedded Growth Obligations (EGOs)]]
* [[Environment of Evolutionary Novelty (EEN)]]
* [[Extractive Elite]]

== Adaptive valley ==
== F ==
* Sewall Wright's theory of adaptive landscapes of fitness
* [[Fact Burning]]
* [[Fact-Checker]]
* [[Facultative Autism]]
* [[Far-Write / Alt-Write]]
* [[Forced Citation]]

== Adjective, occupation, name ==
== G ==
* [[Gated Institutional Narrative|Gated Institutional Narrative (GIN)]]
* [[Genius vs Excellence]]
* [[Goliaputian]]

== Anthropic capitalism  ==
== H ==
* [[High Agency]]
* [[The Hilbert Problem of Social Justice]]
* [[Hypocrisy Budget]]

== Anti-expert  ==
== I ==
* [[Iago Media]]
* [[Ideological Dining a la Carte]]
* [[Injustice Budget]]
* [[Institutional Evergreening]]
* [[Intellectual Dark Web]]
* [[Intellectual Keep-Away]]
* [[Interoperability and Exclusion]]
* [[Intersectional Industrial Complex]]
* [[Intersectional Shakedown]]

== Anti-interesting ==
== K ==
* [[Knarc]]
* [[Kayfabrication]]

== Artificial Outelligence ==
== L ==
Artificial Outelligence, n: An unintelligent computer system that evolves by hijacking the minds it dupes & outwits.
* [[The Least Interesting, Interesting Thing]]
* [[Load-Bearing Fictions]]
* [[Load-Bearing Hornets]]
* [[Long-Form Podcasting]]
* [[Limbic Business Model]]
* [[Litella]]
* [[The Looting Party]]
* [[Long Term vs Short Term Optimization]]
* [[Long/short positions (nuanced positions)]]

=== Example: ===
== M ==
The Bass designs false fish used by the mussels to better parasitize the bass.
* [[Map the Silences]]
* [[Macropaternalism]]
* [[Madness]]
* [[Message Violence]]
* [[Minus Epsilon]]

It’s one thing to think & talk about the risks of unintelligent agents using *our* brains to outsmart ourselves. Another to see such examples in nature:
== N ==
* [[The N^2 Revolution]]
* [[New Gimmick Economy]]
* [[New Orchards]]
* [[No-Living-Heroes Theory]]
* [[No-Pill]]

=== References ===
== O ==
* [[Observerse]]
* [[Official Copy of Reality]]
* [[The Optics are the Substance]]

== P ==
* [[Paranoid Creep]]
* [[Pathological Goodness]]
* [[Peer Injunction]]
* [[Perfectly Legal]]
* [[Physics Dollars]]

== R ==
* [[Radical Uncertainty]]
* [[Rebel end of Corporate and Corporate end of Rebel]]
* [[Recursion Limit]]
* [[Reflexive Contrarianism]]
* [[Regulated Expression]]
* [[Rent-seeking Elites]]
* [[Reputational Violence]]
* [[Resource Capture]]
* [[Responsible Conspiracy Theorizing]]
* [[Riding on a technical substrate]]
* [[Rough Space]]

== S ==
* [[Seberging]]
* [[Selective Pressures]]
* [[Semi-reliable Communal Sense-making]]
* [[Sharp Minds vs Sharp Elbows]]
* [[Shockley-Test]]
* [[Smart-bait]]
* [[Snap to Grid Intellectualism|Snap-to-Grid Intellectualism]]
* [[Speaking Fee]]
* [[Split Level Argument]]
* [[Straw-checking]]
* [[Streisand Squeeze]]
* [[Surveillance Level Data]]

== Consensus ==
== T ==
* [[Teaching Disabilities]]
* [[Tech-Carthyism]]
* [[Technology Intelligence Media (TIM)]]
* [[Tensionist]]
* [[Thanksgiving]]
* [[The Big Nap]]
* [[The Twin Nuclei Problem]]
* [[Thinkquisition]]
* [[Thug-Review]]
* [[Totalizing Ideologies]]
* [[Trauma Cluster]]
* [[Truth, Meaning, Fitness, Grace]]

There’s no arithmetic consensus because it doesn’t require a consensus. But there is a Washington consensus. There is a climate consensus. “Consensus” is how we bully people into pretending that there’s nothing to see, move along, everyone. And so I think that in part, you should start to learn that people don’t naturally come to high levels of agreement unless something is either absolutely clear, in which case consensus isn’t present, or there’s an implied threat of violence to livelihood or self.
== U ==
* [[Umwelt Hacking]]
* [[Unhedged]]
* [[Universal Basic Forgiveness]]
* [[Universal Institutional Betrayal]]
* [[The United States of Absolutely Nothing (U.S.A.N.)]]

- (https://tim.blog/2016/01/13/eric-weinstein/)
== V ==
* [[Vampire Syndrome or Vampire Effect]]
* [[Victor-Victoria Problem|Victor-Victoria Problem, a.k.a. Pre/Trans Fallacy]]

== W ==
== Church and Pike commissions ==
*Weaponization of Peer Review
Were two parallel committees run in the US House and Senate investigating illegal activities by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and the National Security Agency (NSA). In the 1970's
*[[White Suit]]
* [[Woke]]
'''References and Links:'''
'''Church Committee'''
[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Church_Committee Wikipedia Church Committee]
[https://www.brookings.edu/blog/brookings-now/2015/05/06/40-years-ago-church-committee-investigated-americans-spying-on-americans/ Brookings institute on the Church Committee]
'''Pike Committee'''
[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pike_Committee Wikipedia on the Pike Committee]
[https://www.cia.gov/library/center-for-the-study-of-intelligence/csi-publications/csi-studies/studies/winter98_99/art07.html The CIA themselves on the Pike Committee]
== Deaths of accountability ==
== De-Potemkin ==
Depotemkin, verb: To create the missing reality that a façade was originally constructed to suggest was present.
[https://twitter.com/ericrweinstein/status/833384503817101312 Twitter]
== Dining a la carte philosophically/politically/ideologically ==
The concept that you can take parts of different ideologies that you find beneficial without swallowing the whole group of other ideas that typically come along with that ideology.
Erics go-to for this a "'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xenophilia Xenophilic] Restrictionist'''".
A xenophile is a person with intense interest/love for other cultures, this is normally paired with an open borders policy.
Restrictionist in this context is an immigration restrictionist, that is derided as a Xenophobic perspective.
Thus a "'''Xenophilic Restrictionist'''" would be viewed as an oxymoron/contradiction in terms without decoupling them from their typically associated ideologies.
Other Commentary and Links
[https://medium.com/@kevinshau/some-thoughts-on-xenophile-restrictionism-717cdd37b36 Medium article: Some thoughts on Xenophile-Restrictionism]
== Don't screw yourself out of magic ==
* https://twitter.com/EricRWeinstein/status/1169339966477852673
* https://nilesjohnson.net/seven-manifolds.html
* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Milnor
== The Educational Complex ==
A system of selective political, economic, and memetic pressures resulting in a cult of the teaching profession which prioritizes the careerist desires of the educators over the learning needs of the students.
== Environment of evolutionary adaptation ==
== Efficient Frontier  ==
== Environmental insult ==
== Escher's Hands Drawing Hands ==
== Forced citation ==
== Gating function ==
== Genius vs Excellence ==
== High Agency ==
When you’re told that something is impossible, is that the end of the conversation, or does that start a second dialogue in your mind, how to get around whoever it is that’s just told you that you can’t do something? So how am I gonna get past this bouncer who told me that I can’t come into this nightclub? How am I going to start a business when my credit is terrible and I have no experience? You’re constantly looking for what is possible in a kind of MacGyverish sort of a way. And that’s your approach to the world.
- (https://tim.blog/2016/01/13/eric-weinstein/)
== Irrationality ==
Irrationality is a feature not a bug. It gives us the ability to Camp and decamp.
== It's a beautiful thing ==
This originates from New York City.
Meaning: You can extract money from people with no say in the matter.
Related: "It's perfectly legal" – something ethically dubious may be going on.
== Injustice Budget ==
== Kayfabe ==
"A rigorous system would be capable of tying together an altered reality of layered falsehoods in which absolutely nothing can be assumed to be as it appears. Such a system, in continuous development for more than a century, is known to exist and now supports an intricate multi-billion dollar business empire of pure hokum. It is known to wrestling's insiders as "Kayfabe"." (E Weinstein 2011)
'''[https://www.edge.org/response-detail/11783 Erics Original Edge.org Response relating to Kayfabe]'''
== The Looting Party ==
Episode 27, 1:46:00:
:when bill Clinton decided that he couldn't take yet another loss to the Republican party, he was going to start experimenting with republicanism inside of the democratic party. By that point, we had two parties that more or less were two flavors of the same thing. I refer to that collective as '''the looting party'''.
== Long term vs short term optimization ==
== Long/short positions (nuanced positions) ==
== Maladaptive strategies ==
== Meaning ==
"The meaning of my life is the progressing struggle to impart meaning to meaning." [https://twitter.com/ericrweinstein/status/1071207012493549568]
== Middle Finger ==
It's the US’s Competitive Advantage. One of the things that the US still has over, let’s say, a competitor like China is that we tolerate the middle finger. it’s really important to start respecting our marginal citizens of greatest ability, and looking for the unusual personality types that are irreverent and committed enough to making things happen and really do things.
- (https://tim.blog/2016/01/13/eric-weinstein/)
== Minus epsilon ==
This originates from the [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/(%CE%B5,_%CE%B4)-definition_of_limit epsilon-delta definition] of a limit in mathematics.
== New Gimmick economy ==
[https://www.edge.org/response-detail/26756 Anthropic Capitalism & the New Gimmick Economy]
== No more heroes ==
== Operation Cointel pro ==
== Overton window ==
== Potemkin village ==
== Rent-seeking elites ==
== Resource capture ==
== Riding on a technical substrate ==
== Samizdat ==
The clandestine copying and distribution of literature banned by the state, especially formerly in the communist countries of eastern Europe.
== Selective pressures ==
== Semi-reliable communal sense-making ==
== Split level argument ==
Related to the "Motte-and-bailey doctrine".
== Steady hands ==
This originates from Washington D.C.
"He has steady hands." You can count on him to do the wrong thing during an emergency to keep everyone on the inside okay Everyone on the inside is super dependent to burn all of their credibility in public
== Steel-manning ==
The steel man argument (or steelmanning) is the exact opposite of the straw man argument. The idea is to find the best form of the opponent's argument to test opposing opinions.
[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Straw_man#steelmanning Steelmanning]
== Teaching disabilities ==
Not Learning Disabilities Differential diagnosis
== Terms of Service ==
* https://twitter.com/EricRWeinstein/status/1071092543536848896
* https://twitter.com/ericrweinstein/status/1071216823742291968
== The Observerse ==
== There is no secret ingredient ==
This is a line from Eric's favorite movie, Kung Fu Panda.
== Thinkquisition ==
== TIM - Technology Intelligence Media ==
== Umwelt ==
''(in ethology)'' The world as it is experienced by a particular organism.
<!-- == E8 ==
== Pseudo riemannian geometry == -->
<!-- == A theory is like a newspaper story
where/when -> space/time
who/what -> fermions/bosons
how/why -> rules/what generates the rules (equations and lagrangians) -->
<!--== The Long Nap == -->

<!-- == Freedom is an export == -->
<!-- == Freedom is an export == -->

<!-- == Intellectual Dark Web (IDW) == -->

Latest revision as of 04:02, 10 February 2023

This article is actively maintained as a subproject of The Portal Wiki. You can help us by contributing to this page.

Eric often coins terms or turns-of-phrase that some people may not immediately understand. This page is a reference source for those. In this list we include more general topic areas that may at first cause confusion such as DISC, EGOs, GIN, Load-Bearing Fictions, etc., as well as many of Eric's lesser known neologisms and radical redefinitions.

See also: