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** splash-screen-thing! https://polytopes.design/portal.html 🔥
** splash-screen-thing! https://polytopes.design/portal.html 🔥
* '''therealhankscorpio''' - mindmap of the wall https://forum.theportal.wiki/t/mindmap-of-the-wall/463
* '''therealhankscorpio''' - mindmap of the wall https://forum.theportal.wiki/t/mindmap-of-the-wall/463
* '''MJ''' - mathematical visualizations https://www.geogebra.org/3d/bttypjqd
* '''MJ'''
** mathematical visualizations https://www.geogebra.org/3d/bttypjqd
** Julia program for Hopf Fibration https://github.com/iamazadi/Porta 🔥
* '''msjo''' - creative art design work
* '''msjo''' - creative art design work
* '''rekov''' - creative 3D design work
* '''rekov''' - creative 3D design work

Revision as of 00:27, 9 March 2020

A list of helpful people and some of the work they have done for the community. Thank you for your efforts!